Friday, February 14, 2020

Reward Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reward - Essay Example A system of pay that targets an individual is based on the accomplishments of only one person. In this case, rewards are determined by the results put on the table. Pays based on performance do not necessarily account for knowledge and competence. High performance is rewarded while low performance is ‘punished’. Moreover, progressive performance given in levels can determine what reward is earned at what performance. Where different incentives are used on different individuals, the reward becomes incentive-based, and it is complemented by self-actualization. A team constitutes a number of people working on clearly defined common goals or objectives. The performance of a team can be rewarded in a number of ways, among them team-based rewards, rewarding individuals constituting the team, and group behavior (Levi, 2010). Rewards that are team-based target the team’s totality and productivity. The performance of the team is attributed to each member, and so are the rewards. Team performance can also be rewarded by considering individual contribution of each team member and subsequently determining the appropriate reward. Finally, group cooperation and motivation can be rewarded subject to the team

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